Athlete Spotlight
Meet Leslie
Name: Leslie Wood
Age: 74
Which class do you usually attend? 11am and noon, sometimes 3:30pm.
Favorite WOD/Lift: upper body, farmer carries.
Least favorite WOD/Lift: squats, hangs
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: assault bike anything; and I love to hate the squat snatch.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? spring 2023
Tell us something about you we might not already know. Never had enough energy.(Still don't)Not
(What keeps you coming back? The ability to more comfortably use my body. The functional exercises motivate me to do all kinds of different movements. Non-judgemental atmosphere - not competitive!
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Not that interesting, but Canadian Rockies. Other railroad photography locations.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Aches and pains for everyday activities are much improved. I feel I am reversing my age-related health issues such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Just to belong and participate, as my preconceived idea of CrossFit was that it was too competitive and that people constantly hurt themselves. Not true!
What are your goals?
Keep coming and improving (or at least not decline). Keep getting to know the friendly staff and the other members.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? don't think you have to compete with anyone. Even if you are older you can benefit from doing physically more on a regular basis starting from where you are now.
Meet Elena
Name: Elena Bandel-Ramirez
Age: 46
Occupation: Nurse practitioner
Which class do you usually attend? weekdays 11am
Favorite WOD/Lift: Murph, not because I'm good at it, but because I love the energy and camaraderie!
Lift: Deadlifts
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: assault bike anything; and I love to hate the squat snatch.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? 1 year ago when we moved to La Grande.
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I I played for the US women's kayak water polo team when I was 20 (a looooong time ago!)
(What keeps you coming back? The welcoming vibe, great coaches and amazing members!
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
I love Brazil. The people, the country, the food!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit pushed me into lifting heavy weights and trying outrageous gymnastics moves that I'd never even considered. I've learned that being strong is healthy and super satisfying. I don't watch the scale or mirror anymore...I feel pretty when I hit a new PR or master a new gym movement.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
double unders have always eluded me...coach Hunter had me stick with it and now they're one of my favorites
What are your goals?
I want to be strong, keep up with my kids and husband and age gracefully.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? don't be afraid to drop in and meet the crew. Scale everything! if you show up, you win!
Meet Bo
Name: Bo Hickey
Age: 48 on April 27th
Occupation: IT Admin
Which class do you usually attend? I bounce between 5:30am, 12pm and 5:30pm, but try to make it 4-5 days a week
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Cindy or baseline
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: assault bike
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? 2018-2019?
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I I rode bulls in high school - not to brag, but I tied for first at the Joseph Jr. Rodeo one year.
Do you have any hidden talent?
I make a pretty darn pumpkin pie from scratch
(What keeps you coming back? The people and the coaching. Everyone is so encouraging and the coaches are awesome!
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Columbus Ohio. There was so much to do!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
my endurance has definitively improved, so have my eating habits. Working out just brings out a feeling of accomplishment that is hard to find anywhere else.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
A muscle up! I did one, one time :)
What are your goals?
Stringing together muscle ups and, as always not hurting myself!
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Check your ego at the door. Everyone here is at different levels and ages, and the workouts can be scaled for anyone. And even though we all have a good time with friendly competition and bantering, your real goal should be to compete with yourself. Did you get better this week?
Meet Chris
Name: Chris Kaufman
Age: 29
Occupation: Pastor at Hub City Church
Which class do you usually attend? Usually the 5:30 am class if I can get up in time.
Favorite WOD/Lift:
I like the Fight Gone Bad WOD and enjoy any lifts that aren't snatches
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: Snatches and burpees
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? July 2023
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I I am ambedextrious
Do you have any hidden talent?
I play 13 instruments and produce music on the side.
(IWhat keeps you coming back? The community and how encouraging everyone is. Plus doing the workouts just make me feel better and make my day better.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Kejabe Kenya
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Since starting CrossFit I've lost 80 pounds, eat better, feel better, and am way stronger than I've ever been. It has completely changed who I am and I love it!
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Deadlift 345 lbs and finish an Open workout.
What are your goals?
Start doing quality double unders and work up to a complete muscle up.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Keep going. When it gets hard, keep pushing, keep showing up, even if you are the last or slowest one in the room. If you refuse to give up you will become both stronger and a better person.
Meet Aubrey
Name: Aubrey Newberry
Age: 36
Occupation: Ambassador for Kehr Chiro and Eagle Cap
Which class do you usually attend? Usually the 5:30 pm,
Favorite WOD/Lift:
My favorite life would have to be lean and jerks and my fav WOD would be Cindy.
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: anything with burpees sucks!
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I think it was 2017 or 2018 when the gym was still in old place.
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I donated a kidney to my dad back in 2014
(IWhat keeps you coming back?Well it's super easy to get to since I work next door. But other than than it's the people and the camaraderie. It was super intimidating at first but once you let your guard down and get to know these people, it becomes a great place to work harder and have fun. Plus, I get to show my kids that working out can be fun.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
The Florida Keys with the Kehr's. Best trip ever!!!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I feel better! I am getting more confidence in myself.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
PR'd my back squat at 130#
What are your goals?
I want to do at least 2 competitions this year and just have fun with them
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Step out of your comfort zone, you won't be disappointed.
Meet Natalie
Name: Natalie Hansen
Age: 39
Occupation: Dental Hygienist
Which class do you usually attend? Usually the 5:30 am, sometimes 12:00
Favorite WOD/Lift:
I like the front squats, back squats, and I don’t mind a WOD with running (don’t hate me)
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: I struggle with the snatch and overhead squats
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? January 2023
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I
Overall, I’m pretty boring. My husband and I own and operate a commercial cattle ranch outside of our regular jobs.
What keeps you coming back? I put myself on the back burner for so many years. I’ve definitely seen results, and I don’t want to go back to how I felt before I joined CrossFit.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
My husband and I went to the Virgin Islands for our honeymoon. Otherwise, we don’t travel a whole lot.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has not only made me feel better about myself, but it has allowed me to do things on our ranch that I normally couldn’t do, or it was very difficult for me.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
It may sound silly, but I never thought I would be able to do a burpee.
What are your goals?
My goals are to make CrossFit part of my lifestyle. I also want to start my own side business one day.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Never compare yourself to anyone else. You are there to beat yourself, no one else.
Meet Kelsey
Name: Kelsey Dewey
Age: 29
Occupation: Personal banker
Which class do you usually attend? 7:00 am
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: anything with burpees
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? 4 years ago
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I III enjoy playing tennis and pool..
What keeps you coming back? The motivation from others and Bene :)
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Probably Hawaii but Cancun in December.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
it makes me stay consistent and want to stay healthy and strong.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
a pull up
What are your goals?
to keep showing up and improving my body. Love that nice leg muscles I have!
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Keep going even if you don't to that morning! Get up and do it for yourself! your body and your health will thank you :)
Meet Sam
Name: Sam Roddewig
Age: 26
Occupation: High school track coach/ mamacitas cook
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Cleans. I love 32min EMOM cause they're killer and sneak up on you at the end.
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: rower
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2022
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I past 4 years I farmed over the summer in Paisley, OR.
What keeps you coming back? Discipline. There are days I'm not motivated but I show up and work cause I know motivation will come.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
I've been to Cabo and I'm going to Cancun at the end of May.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I used to run a lot more, now I lift more than I run, and I feel my strength increasing.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
I'd like to think I can do anything, but I'd say crossover doubles those took some time to learn.
What are your goals?
Honestly, I want to make it to the games. Get 1% better each day.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Everyone is really nice. Just show up and work hard. If there's a skill you want to learn then keep trying for it, eventually it'll come.
Meet Hailey
Name: Hailey Hulse
Age: 26
Occupation: NEOAHEC program coordinator but soon to be an incoming medical student.
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30pm or 5:30am if I can't attend the evening.
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Rowing of course, wall balls (not full depth) and snatches
Least Favorite WOD/Lift: Squats (bad knee) and the assault bike always sucks hahasaaa
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I originally joined in 2019 and have been coming in between recoveries from surgery (not from CrossFit) since then :) (healthy now)
Tell us something about you we might not already know. II've had 21 surgeries including a brain surgery.
What keeps you coming back? the camaraderie at Eagle Cap is unlike any other gym environment I've been a part of. They are a family and it motivates me to be a better version of myself when I am constantly surrounded by others who are working to better themselves and encouraging others on each individuals journey.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
The holocaust museum in NY (such a humbling experience) WW2 history is my favorite.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Crossfit has given me a sense of community when I was struggling to find my new mode to operate. Having had a lot of surgeries m body has to adapt and evolve to the new level of fitness that is safe and challenging for me. CrossFit has provided me a space to come and feel welcome, supported and encouraged during every stage of my health, on crutches, immobilized and when I'm fully recovered. Everyone goes out of their way to support me in which ever way I need to adapt the workout to not put my joint at risk. CrossFit has showed me there is room for everyone regardless of skill or ability, and that has motivated me to stay consistent and show up to just be a better and stronger version of myself. It is incredible to feel so supported through this journey of finding my new normal and still feeling like an athlete :)
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Row 10 marathons in 4 months after 12 knee surgeries!! CrossFit helped me rebuild the foundation I need to be strong and healthy!
What are your goals?
my goals are to always make time to do a workout or move my body regardless of how busy I am in school and in my career. Consistency and showing up as given me more progress than not- and so I will continue to show up for me because it's how I feel my best!
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit?Don't judge a book by its cover. I know CrossFit can sound very intimidating and might not be your jam, and that's okay! But until you give it a try and get a sense of the family and camaraderie in this place - at least keep an open mind about trying it out :) I never thought I would be as challenged and as supported in a competitive sport like yours competing against yourself to grow and get uncomfortable to see that geowth start happening _CrossFit is an inclusive and encouraging space to do that.
Meet Cris
Name: Cris Berthelsen
Age: 31
Occupation: Firefighter/Paramedic
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Slowly becoming more of a fan of cleans. It’s a love hate relationship.
LEast Favorite WOD/Lift: Anything Cardio.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? August 2022
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I can ride a unicycle.
What keeps you coming back? It is very motivating to see your hard work pay off, the atmosphere is a lot of fun and it is always challenging but rewarding.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Mexico for my honeymoon!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Crossfit has affected my entire lifestyle. I’ve found myself eating better, staying hydrated and motivated.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Attend the 530AM class. Thanks to my wife I make it every day Im not on shift. Mornings are NOT typically my favorite without coffee but CrossFit has changed the game!
What are your goals?
I’d really like to work on the fundamentals of the main lifts we are doing in the gym and in most of the WODs and of course get SWOLE.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit?Just do it. Drop in for a class and you might be surprised at what you can already do. Everyone at Eagle Cap CrossFit is motivating to be around and will provide positive feedback to help you better yourself.
Meet Amanda
Name: Amanda Berthelsen
Age: 32
Occupation: Adult Protective Service Specialist at Oregon Department of Human Services
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Deadlifts and Front/Back Squats and any WOD after I’ve finished it.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? June 2022
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I have my EMT license and earned this when I lived as the Resident Volunteer at Jackson County Fire Department 4 in Shady Cove, Oregon where I met my husband, Cris.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Most interesting place I have ever traveled has to be Germany. So many sights to see and so much history to learn!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Crossfit has changed my life in more ways that I could probably list out. A year ago, I would have laughed if you told me I was attending classes every morning. Crossfit has challenged me both mentally and physically. Crossfit has affected the way I eat knowing what’s going to fuel me versus what is going to make me regret it the next morning. Crossfit and the community that comes with it has taught me how to motivate myself, fuel my body the right way, push myself further than I thought I could and taught me a little something about friendly competition.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Snatches….they are so intimidating but thankfully the amazing coaches and others that attend the classes I’ve been able to work on my mobility and strength to finally be able to do a snatch. Also, competing in my first competition this month, for sure the most “out of my comfort zone” thing I think I have ever done and never thought I would be able to do.
What are your goals?
Strict Pull-ups My goals are to continue to keep progressing at my own speed. Keep surprising myself at what I’m able to do physically and mentally.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit?Try it out, you won’t regret it. I was so nervous to start and joining was stepping so far out of my comfort zone. Now, I can’t imagine not going. Meeting amazing people and pushing yourself to do something new might be the start of something great! beauty in it.
Meet Emily
Name: Emily Bingaman
Age: 26
Occupation: Loan officer at AgWest Farm (NW Farm credit services) in Baker City
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30pm and 5:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Snatches & Cleans.
WOD: I Love them all when they are over.
Least favorite WOD/Lift:
WOD: Anything involving the assualt bike. The warm-up :).
Life: Front squat
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I had previously done CrossFit prior to ECC, but rejoined in the Fall of 2021.
What keeps you coming back?
What keeps you coming back?
Healthy competition among the gym peeps, bettering myself, living a healthy lifestyle, accountability, and consistency. There is always room to improve and push harder, even if that means someone calling you out on it to get there. I tried public gyms; the atmosphere was never enjoyable to me. Taking my dog for runs and bike rides wasn't fulfilling all I wanted, s now I do both (when it's not winter). There's nothing better than a place and people that make you WANT to destroy your body and push yourself to the limits, just to see how far you can go just because you can.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
8th generation farm kid in the Grande Ronde Valley, the only time I've ever left was when I lived in Great Falls Montana for a year. I've killed a bigger bull elk than Seth :)
Do you have any hidden talents?
Apparently not hidden but was to me - Having a bit of a hillbilly southern twang. I've been asked where I'm from because of my "accent" from fellow NE Oregonians.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
I don't really travel #homebodyclub. If my dog can't go, I ain't goin'. Also, very much not a people person so I prefer not to be where it's too peopley out.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has given me the ability to prioritize the lifestyle I want to live and my level of fitness, somply. Growing up, being active was always easy with working on the farm, playing sports, etc. As an adult, you have to show up for yourself and it's on you to find what fits the schedule and lifestyle you want and have the discipline to make it stick.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
never say never.
What are your goals?
- become a more well-rounded athlete - be consistent/clean on my lifts, strive to do more workouts RX than scaled, push myself outside of my comfort zone, keep striving for PR(s) without my form getting sloppy.
- make more time for stretching range of motion and accesory work
- get a muscle up!
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Buy into it 100% (in and OUT of the gym), stay consistent and get used to being sore and SHOW UP. You truly get what you put in, if you cheat the system, you only cheat yourself. Remember it's functional fitness, everyone started somewhere, and everything can be scaled. there will always be lifts/WODs that humble even the best athletes, don;t get discouraged. Fitness is a journey NOT a destination. Don't be intimidated by what you think CrossFit is or by he people, everyone is genuine and welcoming. You will never find a better comradery than at the CrossFit gyms, it's truly its own community and that's the beauty in it.
Meet Taylor
Name: Taylor Walden
Age: 26
Occupation: Chiropractor at Kehr chiropractic
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am and 5:30pm depending on the day(:
Favorite WOD/Lift:
WOD: Murph, Lift: Clean & Jerk/Snatch
Least favorite WOD/Lift:
CF Open 22.2
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? December 2021
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
My wife and I lived in a travel trailer for four years while I went through grad school
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can solve Rubik’s cubes
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
I spent 6 days backpacking in the narrows of Zion national park.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has changed my view on fitness forever! I use to think of CrossFit as exercise for young healthy former athletes but that view has changed dramatically. CrossFit is for EVERYONE, everything can be scaled to meet you where you are at, even Fran
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
I have both improved my running and improved my strength at the same time which I thought was always a myth. I never thought that my performance would rival what it was while I was wrestling in high school, but I was very wrong, I am faster now then I have ever been and almost as strong As I was when I was competing in Olympic weight lifting which seemed impossible prior to me coming to Eagle Cap CrossFit.
What are your goals? My goal would be to become the best all around athlete that I can be and to compete at a moderate-high level
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Stick with it, the first 3-6 months are hard for everyone, scale when needed, and stay consistent. Lastly, never forget that the 23 hours outside of the gym are more important then the one hour spent in the gym, there is no such thing as over training, just under recovering.
Meet McClain
Name: McClain Larreau
Age: 15
Which class do you usually attend? 3:30 p.m. teen class
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Least favorite WOD/Lift:
anything overhead
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I started in January. I really like building my strength and working out so that keeps me going.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I really like dirtbikes
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can do the worm
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit changed my life because I found something to keep me in shape that I like to do.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
I never thought I'd be able to have this much fun working out.progress.
What are your goals? my goals are to deadlift 250# and to bench 200#.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? My advice would be to learn what your body can take and don't over push it, just build from that.
Meet Dani W.
Name: Dani Wattenburg
Age: 25
Occupation: Student in the winter, Wildland Firefighter in the summer
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30 a.m. class
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Deadlifts and Pull-ups
Least favorite WOD/Lift:
Snatch and Box Jumps
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I started in the fall of 2020 right after having ankle surgery. The people. When I first started the coaches were really great helping me modify workouts so I could do them with a leg cast on. And the people in the gym are encouraging, motivating, and great at keeping me accountable.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I started my fitness journey as a long distance swimmer at the age of 9 and swam long distance competitively for 10 years. I don't think my hair will ever recover from all that chlorine.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can speak 3 languages, English, Italian, and Spanish
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Surprisingly, Gold Bridge, BC Canada was the most interesting place I traveled. I spent a few months in this tiny town of 41 people working on a dude ranch and timber logging in the dead of winter. The only heat source available was the wood stove and some days the only thing we could do was keep ourselves and the animals alive. It was wild!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Before joining crossfit, my fitness levels yo-yoed pretty dramatically from summer to winter. I'd crash train a few months before the summer and then do nothing at all once the snow flew. Crossfit has given me something to focus my attention on to keep me in shape and ready for the next fire season and keep me from absolutely destroying my body every summer.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Man, there's a lot of things I didn't expect to be able to do, but probably wall walks. Those things are brutal.progress.
What are your goals? Unassisted pull-ups and lifting heavy. I just wanna be strong enough to fight a bear..
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Don't be afraid to be a beginner again. So much in crossfit is really intimadating at first, but you gotta start somewhere.
Meet Amy M.
Name: Amy McIntosh
Age: 49
Occupation: Marketing Coordinator for Barreto Manufacturing
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30 a.m. class “Torture by Erin”
Favorite WOD/Lift:
Squats; any version
Least favorite WOD/Lift:
Anything involving the Assault Bike – I hate it.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? January 2022. I love the camaraderie of the morning class, and I love that every single athlete is celebrated and encouraged no matter their skill level, and regardless of how much or how little they scale the workouts.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
Growing up, I spent my summers living at the Lily White Forest Service Guard Station where my dad ran a summer camp for Eastern Oregon State College. My sister and I were able to basically run feral, checking in with our mom a few times throughout the day. I have no doubt that my love of nature, hiking, and exploring is a direct result of the experiences I had at Lily White.
I’m also a huge nerd, and twice a year my husband, Todd, and I participate in a LARP (live action roll-play) event. We have a storyline that guides our actions for the weekend, including fights with foam-padded weapons, character interactions, and special events.
My main hobby is sewing. I like to make just about anything, and most of my wardrobe is handmade. I really enjoy recreating historical garments from the underlayers out. Todd and I have several costumes for LARP, and I’ve made each of them, as well.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can do the “wave” with my eyebrows – waving one at a time. It’s completely ridiculous.
I am not sure if it’s a talent, but I am really clumsy and injure myself in the stupidest ways.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Poland – I am a huge history and architectural history buff, and the country is rich with both. It was amazing attend a wedding in a church that was nearly 1000 years older than the United States. I also visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine, which allows visitors to descend to levels 450 feet below ground and included giant ballrooms with chandeliers carved out of salt crystals.
The biggest impact of visiting Poland was spending a day at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. It was of the most poignant experiences I’ve ever had.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has changed my sedentary lifestyle to one of more activity and energy.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do?
Handstands and wall-walks.
When I was in onboarding, I couldn’t do simple pushups or pullups, and I had very little upper body strength. Being able to hold my body weight using my upper body is a huge accomplishment. It not only felt great, but it was tangible result that allowed me to mark substantial progress.
What are your goals? My goals are basic – I want to be fit. Fit enough to perform daily activities without exhausting myself, and I want to be able to go hiking or adventuring without wondering if I’ll be physically able to do something.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Scale. Scale. Scale. During onramp, Ben reinforces leaving your ego at the door, and it is so true. Don’t work to keep up with other athletes or compete with them. The only competition is yourself – work to your body’s capabilities, and you’ll eventually be able to complete the workouts or movements while using the correct form and preventing injury
Meet Erin W.
Name: Erin Watts
Age: 31
Occupation: Your Favorite Barista
Which class do you usually attend? I usually attend midday or evening classes!
Favorite WOD/Lift:
I love Power Cleans!
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2020. What keeps me coming back is the camaraderie among athletes :)
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
​ I love to box!
Do you have any hidden talents? Not really sure if this is a secret, but I love a good dance party!
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
The most interesting place I’ve ever travelled to was the Philippines.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? Crossfit has helped me with discipline and pacing myself. Not only consistency in showing up, but also prioritizing recovery. I tend to be a work hard play hard person, but recognizing my body’s need for recovery has helped me do the same in my personal life as well! I’ve seen myself grow so much stronger. Crossfit has also greatly benefited my flexibility/mobility.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Deadlift 245#!
What are your goals? My goals are to love myself well by listening to my body and performing to the best of my abilities.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Focus on technique, get that foundation, and don’t be afraid to be “new” at something. The work is worth it when it all finally clicks for you!
Meet Cooper
Name: Cooper Thomas
Age: 20
Occupation: About to graduate with my BS and head to Physical Therapy school. In the summers I am a white water rafting guide.
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift:
WOD: anything with wall balls or pull-ups
Lift: Back squats
Least favorite WOD/Lift:
WOD: chest to bar
Lift: Snatches
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? September 2020
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I played volleyball at BMCC for my first term of college and then transferred to EOU for track and field
Do you have any hidden talents? Not really a talent but I love trying new food and cooking.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled?
Traveled through Europe for 3 weeks after my senior year of high school. Went to Paris, Nice, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, London, and Fleckney. In Switzerland, I got to white water raft which was a lot of fun.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? Crossfit gave me a structured schedule every day. Coming to La Grande not knowing anyone, gave me a group of people I would have never met. Crossfit is an all-around great aspect of the body. Crossfit attacks the aerobic and anaerobic aspects of exercise. It has helped me become stronger but also better aerobically.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Being at Eagle Cap Crossfit I have learned how to do handstand push-ups, chest-to-bar, and handstand holds. Without having Erin every morning at 5:30 am I do not think I would have been able to accomplish these movements.
What are your goals? Goals are to become a better well-rounded athlete and work on my lifting form for snatches and cleans to allow myself to lift more weight.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? The advice I would give to someone who is just starting is to trust the process. Find a class of consistent people to work out with that push you to be better. Start slow and as the consistency comes so will the lifts and movements.
Meet Carrie
Name: Carrie Laurence
Age: 39
Occupation: medical coding
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift: one with variety
Least favorite WOD/Lift: Anything with burpees or wall balls
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? July 2021
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I love art and enjoy working in art journals and mixed media.
Do you have any hidden talents? Hidden talent is being able to convince my Husband we always need another dog.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Chichen-Itza in Mexico, we were able to climb to the top of the main pyramid and see miles of jungle. It was ancient and amazing.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I started with no regular physical activity and zero experience with weight lifting. I was starting to feel limited by my weight and being tired all the time. It has taught me how to shift my focus from what I weight to what I can do and how I feel. Now I workout to get stronger and build my endurance so I am not held back by being tired or feeling like I can’t keep up.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Pretty much all of it, that very first push up since high school, the 100+ sit ups in a single workout, 500 box steps.
What are your goals? The first time I lift 100lbs will be awesome, and someday doing my first pull up ever.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Don’t wait until you
are “ready”- If I waited until I was more fit, lost weight, etc I might never have gotten started. The
support and coaching really does meet you where you are, for me that was no lifting experience
and no regular physical activity and the coaches are able to customize the workouts so I can be
challenged and successful.
Meet Dwayne
Name: Dwayne Pecosky
Age: 29
Occupation: director of Natural Resources. Quileute tribe
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift: power cleans
Least favorite WOD/Lift: burpees
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? July 2020
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I play college football for the University of North Dakota.
Do you have any hidden talents? I play the baritone ukulele
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? northern New Mexico
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? It has opened my eyes to new ways of training.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? muscle ups
What are your goals?
to maintain the friends I've made at Eagle Cap as I move away next month
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? have an open mind, be humble, and accountable.
Meet Amy
Name: Amy Hickey
Age: 37
Occupation: accountant
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift: Squats, bench press, handstand work
Least favorite WOD/Lift: Thrusters, wall balls, cardio in general :)
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? June 2020
What keeps you coming back? the constant challenges and the people
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I love chocolate.
Do you have any hidden talents? I can eat a whole watermelon in one sitting.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? I haven't had many opportunities to travel but the New York subway is crazy.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? It has forced me out of my comfort zone, which has given me more confidence at the gym. I lifted before but nothing like what we do here. At 37 I'm still making gains!! :)
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Double unders
What are your goals?
To be better every day! Oh and chest to bars and handstand walks!
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Just get started! Be consistent, listen to the coaches.
Meet Seth
Name: Seth McKern
Age: 45
Occupation: lineman
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: DT
Least favorite WOD/Lift: it's hard to say what my least favorite WOD is. I really don't like any WOD that I have done before because I already know how bad it hurts. I prefer new workouts so I can tell myself it won't be that bad. My least favorite lift has to be the overhead squat.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I think it was right around 2013
What keeps you coming back? I keep coming back because I like the feeling of accomplishment I get from this style of punishing workouts. I also like the camaraderie that comes with group suffering. That sounds super weird when I say it out loud.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I believe in aliens.
Do you have any hidden talents? anxiety and overthinking. It's a pretty awesome talent.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? I haven't traveled much. I am really looking forward to doing lots of it soon.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? CrossFit has kept me athletic. I used to just lift weights and I looked like I was in shape, but looking athletic and being athletic is two totally different things. I plan to use CrossFit as my fountain of youth as long as I can. It really works.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? walking on my hands
What are your goals?
My goals at this point is to stay consistent. Consistency is the secret. If you follow a good program 5 to 6 days a week, you will get results.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? I would tell them to not be in a hurry. Come in everyday no matter how you feel and do your best. Before you know it you will be looking back on where you were and won't believe it.
Meet Isaac
Name: Isaac Ukachukwu
Age: 21
Occupation: student
Which class do you usually attend? mostly attend 3:30PM and 4:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: bench press
Least favorite WOD/Lift: thrusters, wall balls and burpees
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? July 15th, 2020
What keeps you coming back? The good coaches, the community: and how everybody helps each other.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I enjoy cooking
Do you have any hidden talents? I speak many languages. Spanish, French, Igbo and English.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? CrossFit has changed my life because it made me realize that the human body is amazing and can do so many cool things.
IWhat is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? bench press 300#, and do my first muscle up
What are your goals?
My goal is to become and all around elite athlete proficient in all the CrossFit skills
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? my advice for anyone getting started in CrossFit is be patient and trust the process.
Meet Alexa
Name: Alexa Taunton
Age: 25
Occupation: Family Support Specialist for Eastern Oregon University Head Start
Which class do you usually attend? 3:30PM Monday-Thursday and 7:00AM on Fridays.
Favorite WOD/Lift: Anything that has power cleans, running, and double unders.
Least favorite WOD/Lift: I strongly dislike thrusters and burpees.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? April 2019
What keeps you coming back? I love the environment at Eagle Cap CrossFit. There is so much support from the coaches as well as the other athletes that go to the gym. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced at other gyms. I also love being challenged and pushed out of my comfort zone with the WOD's that the coaches bring to the gym.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I used to be a major fan of The Twilight Saga back in middle school and high school.
Do you have any hidden talents? They aren't really hidden but I love to crochet and cook.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Carlsbad, New Mexico. I went and visited their underground caverns national park center and it was such a great experience. There was a lot of history as well.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I have always loved being active. I was a 3 sport athlete in high school, played one season of college softball, and I have always had a gym pass. Once I was done with playing sports I felt like something was missing something in my life and I knew that working out in a regular gym wasn't filling that need. CrossFit has though. CrossFit taught me that I can push my body more than I ever thought I could, and it has reminded me the importance of taking care of my body. The coaches at Eagle Cap CrossFit have taught me how to keep track of my macros and educated me on the importance of active recovery. In all reality, CrossFit has helped me make a lot of positive changes in my life
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Rope climbs, and kipping pull-ups
What are your goals?
1. One day I hope to compete in a CrossFit competition.
2. Be able to do Rx workouts.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? ? Give yourself time and
Meet Cherise
Name: Cherise Wadner
Age: 36
Occupation: Teacher at Cove Preschool
Which class do you usually attend? 7 or 8:15am
Favorite WOD/Lift: ALL the cardio! I love box jumps and toes-to-bar (and even burpees!)
Least favorite WOD/Lift: Snatches! No, thrusters... ick.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2018
What keeps you coming back? The people here are truly great, the workouts are interesting and varied. I'm still making progress and mastering new things after two years.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I am a member of the Elgin Opera House and currently working on my second show with them :)
Do you have any hidden talents? Not hidden talents, but I am a very good baker. Both GF and regular... I love making desserts! Cupcakes are my specialty.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? One summer in college, I visited India on a mission trip. One of our layovers was in Singapore and we just got to hang out there a while. It was really beautiful.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I I have been a runner most of my adult life, also done home workout programs off and on. Joining CrossFit, I am by far the most fit and toned I've ever been. I am more aware of how significantly my diet affects my performance and just general well-being.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I had never touched a barbell before I came into CrossFit, never even thought about weight lifting and now I really enjoy it!
What are your goals?
I should probably learn double unders :P
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? ? Give yourself time and patience to get into the swing of things, but know that it quickly becomes addicting!
Meet Jeanelle
Name: Jeanelle Iriarte
Age: 27
Occupation: Field Maintenance Shop #7 Production Controller
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: Cindy WOD/Clean and Jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift: Erin's 40th Birthday WOD/ Thrusters and Rowing
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? March 2018
What keeps you coming back? To be physically fit for the Army Combat Fitness Test
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I love love reading Mafia/ Cartel books
Do you have any hidden talents? If I knew, you all would know too.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? NTC,FT. Irwin, California
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I I never knew i could grow muscles and do half the exercises/lifts I am doing now.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Rope climbs ( been trying to learn the whole time i am in the army, but finally got it down at crossfit)
What are your goals?
Get over my fear of going over the wall and start doing handstand pushups.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? ? Find your "WHY" you want to start, and keep coming back for that!
Meet Mara
Name: Mara Kalat
Age: 29
Occupation: Vagabond currently posing as an advocate.
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30 am &/or 4:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: cleans, snatches, & strict pull ups.
Least favorite WOD/Lift: deadlifts, kipping pull ups, & double unders.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? December 2018
What keeps you coming back? The community of the gym, having constant goals to strive towards, the programming, & knowing Erin or Bene will hunt me down if I start skipping.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I have five siblings and we are all best friends!
Do you have any hidden talents? I am trilingual (German, Spanish,& English).
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? The jungles of Borneo, Malaysia were pretty stunning.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I I had never lifted before joining EagleCap. The lifting side of CrossFit is addictive. It’s a wonderful mental and physical challenge. It has made me a mentally stronger person and more disciplined outside of the gym.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Strict ring muscle ups.
What are your goals?
To find a gym in Michigan (I am moving) that I love as much as EagleCap CrossFit.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? ? Listen to your body. Give yourself the recovery time it asks for. And finally: any goal is possible. Consistency over time pays off every time!!!
Meet Dean
Name: Dean Hatley
Age: 60
Occupation: Mid West regional sales manager for Barreto Mfg
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am has the best people in it :)
Favorite WOD/Lift: anything with deadlifts
Least favorite WOD/Lift: running and more running
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? February 2013
What keeps you coming back? The great people and tying to keep in shape so I can enjoy the outdoors and keep up with my younger friends.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
There is not much you don't already know abut me, other than I love to make equipment for the gym.
Do you have any hidden talents? no hidden talents
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? one is a 11 day Mexican cruise and 3 times to watch the CrossFit Games.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I'm sure I'm better off now than I would be if I didn't workout. I am not sick as much and have plenty of energy.hthe r
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? rope climbs and handstands pushups.
What are your goals? keep working out as long as I can 2-3 days a week and work on cutting my weight.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? don't look for an excuse not to go to the gym. Start out slow and light and work your way up to the heavy weights. Ask for help if you have any questions.
Meet Harley
Name: Harley Creech
Age: 17
Occupation: pizza maker
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am/ all morning lol
Favorite WOD/Lift: Snatch
Least favorite WOD/Lift: front squats
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? September
What keeps you coming back? The positive and uplifting people.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I do just as many TikTok dances as I do lifts while at the gym.
Do you have any hidden talents? no hidden talents
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Tulum, Mexico
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has made me stronger for softball and got me introduced to competitive weightlifting.hthe r
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? snatch 150
What are your goals? top five at nationals
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? FOLLOW THE PROGRAMMING, it works I promise
Meet Tyana
Name: Tyana Musrasrik
Age: 23
Occupation: Union County Self-Sufficiency Coordinator at Community Connection of Northeast Oregon, Inc.
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30 pm. I'm not a morning person.
Favorite WOD/Lift: Back squats
Least favorite WOD/Lift: thrusters (they hurt), snatches (i suck), and wod's with running or the assault bike (cuz ew)
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? December 2019
What keeps you coming back? Seeing the progress I'm making and getting to see everyone at the gym. Feeling eager and excited to get to the gym wasn't something I had experienced at traditional gyms.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
Most everyone knows I'm islander, but there's so many and in the Pacific, nearly every island has its own language and culture. I come from the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia.
Do you have any hidden talents? Some people say I can sing. I'm not sure though.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Nan Madol, a site of an ancient city built of large basalt rocks right on the coral reef. No one knows to this day how it was constructed.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
Prior to CrossFit, I was not doing any kind of physical activity. The last time I could say I was in shape was probably in high school when I played basketball. With the help of CrossFit, I am in much better shape and I'm growing muscles that I've never had before in my life. CrossFit has also helped me improve in other areas of my life. I'm much more disciplined now eating a lot healthier and managing my time and money a lot better too.hthe r
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Just weightlifting in general. I had never touched a barbell before in my life and I had always been intrigued by lifting, but was too intimidated to give it a try.
What are your goals? I want to be able to move heavier weights and do Rx workouts. Hopefully in the near future.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Progress doesn't happen overnight. Give it your best shot and don't quit.
Meet Carrie
Name: Carrie Crump
Age: 42
Occupation: salmon biologist
Which class do you usually attend? attend 3:30 or 4:30pm class
Favorite WOD/Lift: bench press, any type of pull-ups.
Least favorite WOD/Lift: snatch
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2019
What keeps you coming back? Hands down - the people, friends I made.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I am a rock hound. Love to dig, search for beautiful agates, opals, jaspers, etc.
Do you have any hidden talents? I love to make soap, and I find it to be very relaxing, ind of an escape for me.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? For me, I would say Succor Creek, OR. It has a amazing geology and is a Rock Hounds Paradise!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has changed my life in many ways. I eat better, I work out hard, I'm in the best shape of my life.hthe r
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? a muscle up!!!!! They are challenging to say the least but I just did it!
What are your goals? Goals are to continue to stick with the hard work, become better every day, as well as healthier and stronger.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Trust the process. Don't give up. Nothing happens overnight. These coaches are fantastic, so just listen, learn, work out.
Meet Alisha
Name: Alisha Delatori
Age: thirty, flirty & thriving!
Occupation: COUNTRY Financial Insurance Agent/ Badass mom & wife
Which class do you usually attend? Before sunrise. Champions are made in the a.m.! !
Favorite WOD/Lift: Grace/Annie/Clean & Jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift: anything with RUNNING/ Turkish Get-Ups
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? January 2014
What keeps you coming back? discipline, habit, the challenge.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I speak in hyperbole a lot (i.e, I exaggerate for emphasis). I did NOT know this about myself until I married The World's Most Literal Person, who points it out to me constantly haha
Do you have any hidden talents? If I tell you they wouldn't be hidden.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Tokyo & Okinawa Japan.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
It started with the desire to fill the missing piece of training for all the sports I competed in ( volleyball, basketball,softball) Riding the high from being a collegiate athlete, I needed a new "drive" or discipline. The CrossFit program felt more like a "sport" than working out and this was before I got competitive in training. I was hooked with the simple approach and feel of sport. From there it became undeniably the best method for general physical preparedness in my opinion. I am the strongest, healthiest and look the best I have ever had...all AFTER having a child and embracing my "mom bod". Coming full circle, it has helped me train to live full of adventure and challenge outside the gym.hthe r
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Be "one of those people" that get up at 4:30 every morning to workout!
What are your goals? This question is too broad for me haha. Some main ones are:
1. improve my flexiblity and balance
2. get out of my comfort zone when it comes to strength & weight training.
3. Get sponsored by NoBull. Nike is up there also, If Amazon does sponsorships, I'm also not opposed to that.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? You can't cheat the grind. It knows how much you've invested. It won't give you anything you haven't worked for, and it'll give you exactly what you've earned. This "sport" will show you exactly who you are. JUST SHOW UP.
Meet Rae Ette
Name: Rae Ette newman
Age: 40
Occupation: Assistant Professor and Chair of the College of Education at EOU
Which class do you usually attend?I anytime that fits into my schedule. I think I have attended every class time offered from 5:30am to 5:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: Deadlifts
Least favorite WOD/Lift: Burpees or anything with the bike
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? July 2019
What keeps you coming back? I have made so many gains in the last few months, I want to see what I can do! I have a gym partner that keeps me accountable and we push each other to be better and stronger than we were the day before. And finally, the coaches. I have worked with each coach, and they all have helped me be where I am today.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I love the 5 b's: birthdays, birthday cake, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Backstreet Boys!
Do you have any hidden talents? Hidden? These may come out during a class, just every once and a while, but I can dance and sing a mean Journey song! I actually can dance tap, jazz, and ballet.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? I studied abroad in Greece during my Undergraduate program. We lived there or a month traveling and learning about the special education system.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I am doing things that I never thought I would ever be able to do: climbing the rope, pullups, heavy lifts, etc. I have the energy to play with my daughter. I'm stronger than I've ever been in my life.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Pullups! I'm still doing them banded, but I'm going to get to the point of doing them without the band!
What are your goals? My goal is to be healthy. I want the energy to play with my daughter. I want to be around to watch her grow up. So this may not be logical but, if I ever got into a fights, I would want to be on my own team
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? My advice would be to commit. Find a class and start coming daily. You need to get into the habit.
Meet Samantha
Name: Samantha Bernards
Age: 28
Occupation: Executive Director of Tri-County Cooperative Weed Management Area
Which class do you usually attend?I am all over the place…. anything but the 5:30am class
Favorite WOD/Lift: Deadlifts/Cleans/Rowing
Least favorite WOD/Lift: Bench press/pull-ups/burpees
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? Late-August 2019
What keeps you coming back? Competitive atmosphere, amazing people/coaches, and the need for improvement.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I love playing cribbage and play it almost every day. I will challenge anyone at the gym!
Do you have any hidden talents? It is not really hidden, but I am a pretty darn good cook. My favorites are Italian, French, Mexican, Irish, BBQ (all types), and baking. I have taken cooking classes all over the world during my travels.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? In 2018, my husband and I spent 21 days in Peru and probably the most interesting place was 3 days on Taquile Island on Lake Titicaca along the Peruvian/Bolivian boarder. The island is over 13,000 feet elevation, the only language spoken was their native tongue (which is not Spanish), men spend all days knitting colorful hats, and there are more sheep than people.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I decided to try CrossFit because I was looking to try something new and hopefully get in better shape. However, I didn’t realize how much I would enjoy being stronger every day and more confident in my abilities.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Any form of weightlifting since I never thought I was strong enough
What are your goals? in the near future: lifting 900 pounds at the One Ton Challenge, more Rx workouts, and competing in 2020 (scaled).
In the long term: maintaining a healthy lifestyle, pushing myself every day and never settling.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Don’t quit after your first class because you cannot walk for three days. A month later you will think back on that day and realize how far you have come. Image a year later what you will be able to accomplish. Find small measurable goals each week or month and work to achieve them. Also, proper nutrition is more important than you think.
Meet Dani
Name: Dani Schaap
Age: 33
Occupation: family insurance agent
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: deadlifts/ All squats
Least favorite WOD/Lift Snatches. They are the devil
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? January 7th, 2019
What keeps you coming back? I keep coming back because I never want to be where I was three years ago. The accountability helps keep me in check and motivated. The atmosphere makes me want to be here, it's the highlight of my day.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I am a published poet
Do you have any hidden talents? I'm artistic, I paint with chalk, I love to write and bullet journal
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Downtown Memphis, TN. I locked my doors at a red light
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
I'm much stronger now and have more stamina. I still feel like I'm going to die sometimes, but not as much as at first. It just makes me want to push harder.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I'm seeing results! I've never been consistent with fitness before. I don't remember the last time I was able to buy clothes in size small!!! My confidence and self esteem have sky rocketed! Not to mention all the PR's I've gotten that made me feel like a kid in a candy store.
What are your goals?
I want to keep pushing my limits and hit new PR's. I want to specifically get better at snatching, finally get my double under's, and pull ups. I want to get more disciplined about following nutrition.
​What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Keep with it! Show up and do the work and it will get better in every way!
Meet Hunter
Name: Hunter Winslow
Age: 18
Occupation: student
Which class do you usually attend? 10:30 ppm
Favorite WOD/Lift: Murph/ clean and jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift Fran/ thrusters
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2019
What keeps you coming back? The camaraderie within the box. And the ability to better yourself everyday with others who are doing the same.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I have been archery hunting since I was 10 years old. I also never had pie
Do you have any hidden talents? They are still hidden to me
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? The Carribean or Sidik Lake, Alaska
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has made me realize that it is good to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself. It has given me more confidence in everyday life and it has taught me to persevere. I have had a healthier lifestyle and it has helped me encourage others to do the same. As far as my level of fitness, I am in the best shape I have ever been and I am continually seeing myself improve.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I never thought that I would meet so many great people, but I was definitively wrong.Physically I think I can do anything if I put in the time and effort.
What are your goals?
Be able to do all workouts Rx
get 1% better everyday
always live a healthy lifestyle, and to encourage my family to do as well
better others around me
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? All fitness levels can do CrossFit and the workouts can be scaled accordingly. Find someone to hold you accountable and get to know others at the gym. Surrounding yourself with people that love fitness and are encouraging can make a big difference. Don't be afraid of judgment, at Eagle Cap there is no judgment. Be coachable.
Meet Gary
Name: Gary Anderson
Age: 48
Occupation: self employed. Contractor
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30 ppm
Favorite WOD/Lift: all wods, as I like to be challenged. Deadlifts because you can see a huge improvement over a short period of time.
Least favorite WOD/Lift Fran, as I cannot seem to master it. Clean as my flexibility is terrible and it affects my ability to improve.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I became a member of La Grande CrossFit when it originally opened as JT CrossFit and have been coming ever since.
What keeps you coming back? I keep coming back because I like the people I work out with.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I'm #9 in the world that's been recorded when it comes to medical marvels...true story!
Do you have any hidden talents? I'm pretty sure all of my talents have been tapped and are publicly known at this point in my life.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? the state of New Mexico
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
CrossFit has changed my level of fitness by challenging me to do workouts that I would never do if left to my own devices. In terms of my life it gives me something to look forward to on a daily basis.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I never thought I could do handstand walks until I joined CrossFit.
What are your goals? My goals are to stay in shape, not get injured and continue to make new friends at the gym...and drink beer!
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, realize that not every workout is going to be stellar, don't get frustrated when you don't see progress right away, and most of all have fun and get to know your fellow gym members. We all have an interesting story to tell :)
Meet Derek
Name: Derek Kirby
Age: 34
Occupation: Work for city of Lagrande
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30
Favorite WOD/Lift: Deadlifts
Least favorite WOD/Lift double unders
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? about a year ago
What keeps you coming back? The atmosphere and the challenge.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I don't care for sweats much
Do you have any hidden talents? I don't think so
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Alaska
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
It's made me better at everything I do on a day to day basis and a better athlete.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? gymnastic
What are your goals? Compete RX
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Don't quit, give it time. Your brain will try to shut you down and you have to fight it. Especially when you don't want to go. Get in and do work. everyone wants to see you succeed in here.
Meet Nichole
Name: Nichole Lantis
Age: 36
Occupation: Teaching assistant for Eastern Oregon Headstart in Union
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30
Favorite WOD/Lift: wod Ronnie Henderson, Lift....seriously? Deadlifts duh
Least favorite WOD/Lift any wod with weighted lunges or thrusters. And I'm not fond of presses or jerks.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? 5-6 years ago
What keeps you coming back? The encouragement and support of the box family
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
I'm a symmetrical through my collarbone/shoulders, parts of my mouth, vocal cords, and tongue are partially paralyzed so no I cannot stick out my tongue straight and no I don't need to be drunk to slur my words or sick to loose my voice . All small and minor effects of spinal meningitis.
Do you have any hidden talents? they are no longer hidden if I tell you....
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? My fast and furious trip to Gerogia to watch my brother graduate from Airborne was probably the most interesting, and only because of the neighborhood we ended up in when walking around and the hotel in Phoenix City Alabama was the sketchiest place I've ever stayed
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness?
outside of being physically stronger I'm mentally and emotionally stronger. I view myself and my body much differently. Instead of chasing unrealistic expectations from the scale I'm more focused on how I feel and how well I can move. Believe it or not I'm not nearly as insecure or cautious with myself as I was before I started Crossfit and I learned I didn't need my friends to do it with me or even understand it, I could do it on my own and in doing so my friend base expanded.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? start lifting anything over 50lbs regularly, especially over head.
What are your goals? to get all my lifts to 100+ and not looked like I've been tied to a old slave block after working on DUs
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? give yourself 3 honest months of attending classes, attend as many different class times as you can, you never know where you'll find inspiration or your best fitted class if you don't try it. Don't be afraid to ask questions, don't ask me though I'm a shit show most days and tequila and Crossfit are rarely friends so be careful when mixing them
Meet Abby
Name: Abby Long
Age: 22
Occupation: Nursing student and Waitress
Which class do you usually attend? no earlier than 8:15! I prefer 10:30 or 12:15 but not in the summer it's too hot.
Favorite WOD/Lift: clean and jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift thrusters
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2017
What keeps you coming back? The atmosphere, the coaches/athletes and the how awesome it makes you feel when you do something today that you couldn't do yesterday.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.
Do you have any hidden talents? uuuuhhh I don't really have any
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Harry Potter land haha I haven't been many places
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? CrossFit has made me stronger mentally and physically. It has humbled me to realize you can't always win and you're not going to be good at everything. But if you put in the work, it'll be worth it.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I still think I cannot do muscle ups but I also said that about doubles and those are...a work in progress so you never know. Don't doubt your body's abilities.
What are your goals? keep bettering my mind and body and be a badass in the gym
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? it's the most empowering and awesome torture you'll ever endure, you should do it. It never gets easier but you'll grow to do things you never thought you could
Meet Lindsay
Name: Lindsay Warness
Age: 39
Occupation: Safety and Environmental Manager for Woodgrain Millwork, Inc
Which class do you usually attend? I usually attend the noon class but it varies based on my work schedule.
Favorite WOD/Lift: not sure but it doesn’t involve running or burpees. Backsquats
Least favorite WOD/Lift DT (the hang cleans!) or something with running. And probably snatch (although I like them all really)
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? I think it was about 4 years ago?
What keeps you coming back? At first it was because I'm inherently lazy. I hate trying to figure out what to do for a workout - it's easier to have someone do it for me. Then I started to enjoy the lifting and it was nice to have coaching. Now it is because I truly enjoy the people and the fact that people support you NO MATTER WHAT. I think the best part is when I'm struggling - people still tell me to keep going. Example - when I run i'm slower than molasses in the middle winter but people will still pass me and tell me I'm doing a good job. If I'm every truly running, please kill whatever is chasing me or start running yourself.
Tell us something about you we might not already know.I am a second degree blackbelt in Kyokushinkai Karate - registered in Japan. While I was in the middle of training, I took third in the World Cup Tournament. Don't scare me, I honestly don't know how I may react...
Do you have any hidden talents? I can hit all the notes in Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer"
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Well, I've lived in the Caribbean, Central America, and Europe (Spain). Probably the most interesting place I've traveled is South Korea - the Korean BBQ there is AMAZING.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I tend to make time for working out more in my schedule, regardless of where I'm traveling. And while I definitely complain about the burpees, running, thrusters, etc., I miss them when I can't get to the gym. It has also taught me to be proud of what my body can do, not what exactly it looks like. It has also taught me that I need to continue to push myself, I'm only competing against myself.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I'd never done a double under and now I can. The other thing that I wasn't sure I could do was a squat snatch/clean. I also didn't think I'd ever get over 200 lbs in back-squatting. Honestly, having gone to other gyms, I didn't really think that I'd bond with people at the gym....I was WRONG - I go because it is fun to work out with people who are supportive and encouraging but also hold you accountable and celebrate with you when you do something you didn't think you could do.
What are your goals? To do another "Toe to bar" (without pinching a nerve) and a kipping pull-up. I also want to hit 300 lbs for a back squat and get my clean an jerk past 175. Running is another weakness that I'd like to work on.....
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Anybody can do crossfit - don't get intimidated because the only person you're competing against is you. You'd be surprised at your abilities and don't be too afraid to ask for help - anybody at the gym is happy to help/observe/coach as able - and don't worry if you can't do it exactly as written, if you scale - you're still getting an awesome workout.
Meet Blake
Name: Blake Eckstein
Age: 33
Occupation: lineman
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am
Favorite WOD/Lift: Linda/clean and jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift push jerk
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? May 2016.
What keeps you coming back? I enjoy the daily competition everyone comes with.
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I have two buttholes
Do you have any hidden talents? None
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? New Orleans
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? gotten me back to a level of fitness I didn't think was possible again.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? never thought I couldn't do something
What are your goals? would like to get a 400# clean once in my life.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? talk to people about aches and pain they had when first starting, also to take it slow, and just enjoy the process of watching your weightlifting numbers climb and WOD times get faster.
Meet Brandy
Name: Brandy Blackman
Age: 21
Occupation: waitress and receptionist
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: clean and jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift Snatch
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? September 2018.
What keeps you coming back? The people! I love them!
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I 'm going to school to teach High School English.
Do you have any hidden talents? I can make my tongue into a clover
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Cabo, Mexico
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? CrossFit has pushed me to work out harder and more consistently than I would have pushed myself to do on my own. I've also made a ton of new friends that I look forward to working out with each day.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? hand stand push-ups!
What are your goals? Learn to handstand walk & get better at pull-ups.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? to just join and stop making excuses, the people are great and the workouts can ALL be modified
Meet Israel
Name: Israel Mendoza
Age: 32
Occupation: sales, legacy dodge
Which class do you usually attend? I try not to miss Erin's 5:30am class, but on my days off I go to the 8:15am with Bene.
Favorite WOD/Lift: I like snatches, they're challenging
Least favorite WOD/Lift Anything with assault bikes. I've never thought to myself, "I'm kicking this bike's butt." 1 calorie is too many on those things.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? August 2018.
What keeps you coming back? Everybody's welcoming and puts up with me, so there's that. But the most rewarding thing about working out with y'all is that I get to succeed at something I think is impossible. I get to do the impossible. There's a point in almost every workout when I think that I can't possibly keep going--then I realize that I'm not even half way through it! To finish that workout--and do so multiple times a week--inspires confidence and makes me wonder if I'm selling myself short in other areas of my life.
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I 'm a recovering drug addict and a survivor of homelessness. I don't dwell on it but my story does not make sense without knowing that. How does a southern Californian end up in La Grande? A LOT of bad choices, and then some good ones. When I could no longer keep going the way I was, I asked God to show me another way and, no bs, a week later I was in a treatment center in Eastern Oregon. I got my sh*t together here, so I stayed. This country has been so good to me. I've been able to do something here that I've been wanting to do for so long but was unable to. I'm involved in the local recovery community, and I'm passionate about helping the still suffering addict find his way out--just as I was so selflessly and lovingly helped when I most needed it.
Do you have any hidden talents? Nah
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? El Salvador.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? I'm getting a little bit buff, and I'm excited about that. Then there's the confidence in my athletic ability. I recently snowboarded for the first time, and I went up the BIG lift my first day!
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Squat 260lbs.
What are your goals? Lift heavier weight. And work on nutrition
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Keep coming back! :)
Meet Callan
Name: Callan Brick
Age: 21
Occupation: Clinic coordinator of GRH Elgin Clinic
Which class do you usually attend? 5:30am or PM
Favorite WOD/Lift: Anything with pull-ups/ split jerk
Least favorite WOD/Lift Holleyman/ Turkish get-ups
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? October 2016
What keeps you coming back? the amazing people!
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I have read comic books since I was really young, and still read them.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? ? Grove of The Titans in the Redwood Forest. It has the largest trees in the US and you can only get there by a secret trail that is monitored.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? It has given me confidence in everything that I do, and I have learned to face all the hard stuff head on. I’ve been able to encourage my family and friends to be the healthiest that they can be and it has been very rewarding. As far as my level of fitness; I learned to stop being a lil b, works great.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I’ve beaten all of the bros in at least one workout (yes, including Blake)
What are your goals?
To keep pushing myself to be the best I can be and to always live a healthy lifestyle. I hope to get my parents and siblings to start going to the gym too.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Everyone is bad at one thing or another, even though you might not see it. You should never be afraid to be bad at a movement or workout. And more importantly work at the things you are bad at more than anything else.
Meet Alma
Name: Alma Crow
Age: 28
Occupation: Stay home mom /Daycare provider/ Coach
Which class do you usually attend? I like to attend the early morning classes or later afternoon depending on my schedule.
Favorite WOD/Lift: My favorite WOD would be the one we did for coach Erin’s birthday because it pushed me to my extremes.
Least favorite WOD/Lift My least favorite would be Snatches.
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? Sometime in Late June
What keeps you coming back? Knowing that I still have so much to learn.
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I have been an 8 time national qualifier and 6 time All American in track and field (both indoor and outdoor), I have a couple track records at Eastern Oregon University, 3 adorable children, one rambunctious weimaraner puppy, and an amazing husband.
Do you have any hidden talents? cooking :)
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? I think the most interesting place I’ve been is Costa Rica, I was there for a month studying abroad during college.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? It has helped me stay in shape, especially after having my third child. Running alone wouldn’t have gotten me in such good shape in so short a time.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? I know this is silly but growing up I could never do a somersault. For some reason, it used to terrify me to be upside down. Now, not only can do that, but I can do a handstand and so much more.
What are your goals?
My goal is to be able to compete in the RX division.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? Be patient and don’t rush it, even now there are still exercises that are hard for me to perform.
Meet Cal
Name: Calvin Halladay
Age: 28
Occupation: sales, military, hunting guide
Which class do you usually attend? 4:30 or 5:30pm
Favorite WOD/Lift: Murph and Snatch
Least favorite WOD/Lift Fran and front squat
When did you become a member at Eagle Cap CrossFit? January 2013
What keeps you coming back? The challenge and the greatest people I know
Tell us something about you we might not already know. I am setting a goal to complete an Iron Man triathlon in the next 2 years.
Do you have any hidden talents? I am extremely untalented, but I try hard!
Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled? Romania! But I am going to Mozambique, Africa in October.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle and level of fitness? The CrossFit lifestyle is the greatest takeaway. It’s this incredible group of like-minded people who enjoy seeing how far they can push their bodies. The community of people and support is endless.
What is the One Thing you have done at Eagle Cap CrossFit that you never thought you could do? Row a marathon.
What are your goals?
Be the best version of me I can be.
Bring up everyone around me in the gym.
Complete an Iron Man in 2 years.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started with CrossFit? PAY THE MAN!. You don’t have to win every day, but show up and fight the good fight. Realize fast that your nutrition is the other half of this fitness equation.